Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King

Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King
Thou art the King of Glory, O Lord Jesus Christ; when Thou didst take upon Thee to deliver man, Thou didst not abhor the Virgin's Womb

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Some Random Quadragesimal Thoughts

The Season of Quadragesima is now upon me and it is now time to stop the reflection and preparation of Septuagesima and put it into practice now.

Prayer is where I need to begin while fasting so that I can give alms fruitfully and turn my attention away from myself, but towards others through God.  I am hoping that the Holy Ghost will show me how to do good for others without necessarily expecting something good in return either from that person or from anyone else, but to just be content and happy knowing that I've pleased the Father who sees in secret (Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew VI, 4).  Most people would find it difficult to not see the fruits of your labors, but that's why we have Quadragesima, to show that the fruits of our labors are mostly in Heaven (Matthew VI, 20).

I will receive ashes on my forehead reminding me of my mortality and that because of the sin of Adam and my own sins, I am doomed to die because that's what sin brings (Romans VI, 23) and it should make me think about how I am nothing compared to God's perfection.  How will I pass my life?  I would like to spend the remaining time I have in penance and preparation to meet the Lord of Life, and to do His will.  I'm so easily distracted however because all around me is unholiness and it probably rubs off on me.  Mea culpa.

Also, because so many things have been taken from me recently, it is time that I start thanking God for what really matters and the blessings that I do have.  Those things that He took away in His Wisdom probably were not that necessary anyways or maybe to show me that I was not showing gratitude for them but taking them for granted.  Besides, what can I really with all those things in a desert anyways...

Today I'm going to spend some time thinking about some resolutions and finalizing my Lenten penances and keep looking for other ways to atone and show love to others.  But I feel like loving neighbor includes having a good relationship with yourself as well, umm about that...

1 comment:

  1. The Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim of Syria:

    O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power and idle talk. (prostration)

    But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Thy servant. (prostration)

    Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see mine own transgressions and not to judge my brother. For blessed art Thou unto the ages of ages. Amen. (prostration)

    O God cleanse me a sinner (12x with bows from the waist)

    Repeat entire prayer with another prostration at the end.
